Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Let Me Tell You About Jesus

Let me tell you about Jesus
and what He's done for me
how He saved a poor lost sinner
now my soul has been set free

He has given many blessings
caused my heart to overflow
and I know He watches o'er me
walks with me where e're I go

Let me tell you about Jesus
and what He's done for me
how He saved a poor lost sinner
now my soul has been set free

On the days I'm in the valley
and my load is so hard to bear
I just lift my eyes to Jesus
and I go to Him in prayer

Let me tell you about Jesus
and what He's done for me
how He saved a poor lost sinner
now my soul has been set free

What a miracle we were given
some two thousand years ago
God the Father sent Him to us
all because He loved us so

Let me tell you about Jesus
and what He's done for me
how He saved a poor lost sinner
now my soul has been set free

how He saved a poor lost sinner
now my soul has been set free

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