Tuesday, June 11, 2019

God Sent An Angel

I was troubled in my mind and had reached my darkest time
When my life and my spirit was low.
I walked out on a span of a bridge made by man
And looked down at the water so cold.
I stood shivering there on the edge of despair,
Knowing well I was going to fall
With the end drawing near I had no mortal fear
For I had never known him at all.

But God sent an angel that only my eyes could see.
He was dressed all in white and surrounded by light.
Oh, thank God for the love shown to me.

For the rest of my days, God will show me the way
Since His messenger entered my life.
I was part of his plan for salvation of man,
As I walk in his circle of love
Never more will I doubt what my life's all about
And no more will I suffer despair.
I've got proof He's alive for He let me survive
And I know He's made a home for me there.

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