Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Think On These Things

Lyrics by the Seminole String Band

Whatsoever things are true, Whatsoever things are honest,
Whatsoever things are just, Whatsoever things are pure,
Whatsoever things are lovely and of good report,
If there be any virtue, any praise, think on these things

Think on these things, if there be any virtue
if they glorify God and lift up my Lord
Think on these things, for they will not hurt you
then through it all, you'll be closer to God

We live in a culture that's carnal and earthly
but we wrestle not against flesh and blood
We're not to think on things that are earthly
But we're told to think on things above

Think on these things, if there be any virtue
if they glorify God and lift up my Lord
Think on these things, for they will not hurt you
then through it all, you'll be closer to God

You're stumbling through life, your thoughts you're not gauging
The things that you think on become those where you trod
and the thoughts of your heart, the battle is raging
Will you please your flesh or will you please God?

Think on these things, if there be any virtue
if they glorify God and lift up my Lord
Think on these things, for they will not hurt you
then through it all, you'll be closer to God

Then through it all, you'll be closer to God

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